Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Correct Fit It Is!!!

By Gracie Lynn

Hello my Lovelies!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Things here were hectic, yet fun.

 So for this week’s blog I have decided to bring up something that frankly drives me crazy. Now as some of you may know, I model, right now I am a “standard size” model, but I have also been a plus size model. Yes, I was quite a bit over 200lbs for several years and wore a size 14 in pants. Even when I was fuller figured, most people would be surprised about what size I wore. This is for one very important reason. FIT!!! Clothing that fits correctly is more flattering and makes you look more in shape. Notice, I did not say thinner, because not everyone is going to be a size 2, and it is not about what size you wear, but how you feel in the clothing you are wearing.

Clothing sizes have changed drastically over the years, just so you all know.  I wear anywhere from a size 1 to a 4 in most modern clothes (I am not saying this to brag, but to prove a point), I recently bought a lovely vintage hostess dress. It is a legit 1950s dress, and it is a size 10. My point being is that you never know what size you are going to wear. Now, I am not going pass up an amazing dress, just because the tag says 10. Who cares about what the tag says. How does the clothing fit on your body and how does it make you feel. 
Also, be aware that with clothing being made all over the world now days, a size 8 in one brand is not going to be the same as a size 8 in another brand. And lets not even get started on European vs American vs Asian sizing.  What I am trying to say is that you need to try things on.  The correct fit should not cause “muffin top” (that overflow of skin above the waistline of your pants) it also should not cause camel toe in the crotch area (where your pants are so snug that they ride up in the inseam area and folks can see all you may or may not have in that area). If you are having trouble breathing, or have to struggle to button your pants (and you have not just eaten a huge dinner) you are wearing the wrong size.  I am going to do something I would usually  not do here and show you what I mean with some pictures of myself. I will take pics of the tags on the clothes as well just to prove my point.  As we have already established, I am a fit and slender gal but wearing the wrong size or cut can drastically change how my figure looks. Also this will go to show you that it is not the size on the tag that determines the actual size of the clothing. I have some clothes that are “bigger” than others according to the tag…. This is not true in reality, as you will see. I have chosen to use shorts for this example because it shows more of what I am referring to in the waist, legs and inseam area to show my point. (those of you who are squeamish may want to turn away now, because some of this is not going to be pretty…)

So, here are the tags… just so you can see that I am not messing with ya on what is what size… I will show them to you in size order and the results may surprise you. 
Be aware that these are not all the same brand of shorts (and they are not all mine,  I had to borrow a few from friends to prove this point).

I will first show you the correct fit and then the incorrect fit of the same sizes.

Size 1
Size 3

Size 5
so you can see that the correct fit on all 3 sizes fit the same, size 1 to 5. And how the incorrect fit causes bulging that makes me look out of shape and puffy (not to mention the awkward way that the size one shorts ride up in the middle). I know that these are not hugely drastic examples, but I do not have any friends who I could borrow even smaller shorts from in the area, so I work with what I got. 

The same rule applies for men and women. Also please be aware that too big has it’s own set of issues that we will cover in another blog because clothing that is too large can actually cause similar issues.

Anyways, sorry for subjecting you all to that, but I hope you learned something, as per usual, please feel free to email, FB or reply here on the blog with any questions, comments or concerns. We love hearing from you!

Hugs my Lovelies!!!

Gracie Lynn

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