Monday, January 13, 2014

Why Not To Use At Home Hair Color

By Carly Crossley

I had a question come up today that I've heard a dozen times in the past, so I thought I'd address it here. When it comes to at-home hair coloring, I more than understand the financial allure, not to mention the instant gratification- We want what we want and we want it now, dang it!
Boxes claiming “multi-faceted” “built-in highlights” “deep conditioning” “magic in a box/instant love potion” are nothing more than marketing strategies. Hair color is hair color, plain and simple.
Except it's not simple. It's chemistry, it's art, it's technique, it's a knowledge of hair structure, recognizing the pre-existing, and with many women, the pre-pre-existing. There are dozens of factors that play into the formulations we use. Years of schooling, advanced training, and hands on experience allow us to be able to quickly asses what is the best service, technique and product for your hair. 
There are reasons that companies like Loreal, Clairol and so many others have both Box Lines and Salon Lines. They make double the money if and when you make that impulse buy. Have I ever used a box color? You bet your sweet mahogany glow I have! Are there times when I have counseled a friend or two on the best combination of colors to use when they live too far away to get in? Heck yes! 
It's not the product; It's the knowledge.
The same goes for shopping in a “supply store” like Sally's. The coloring products are made of the same basic components. You are no longer paying for fancy packaging and marketing, and since things are lined up row after row in scientific looking bottles with color coded plastic hair swatches, it magically makes you *feel* like what you are doing is more legit. The cute little sale girl with bleached out hair and any number of facial piercings and clip in extensions will try to tell you that she knows what is best for you. You look around at your surroundings and think to yourself, “well, yeah... that makes sense.” If she was a hairstylist, she'd be working in a salon. 
I absolutely LOVE what I do. There is nothing like the feeling of seeing the confidence on someone's face after you have made their day. I read a survey once that stated 70% of women feel their very best after having their hair done. (Other things on the list included shoes and sex- Thank you, Cosmo.) I love what I do so much that I TRULY enjoy being able to give away free styling. Another awesome thing, I am actually GOOD at what I do. I take pride in my work and remind every single client of my 100% guarantee they will be satisfied with their color and/or cut. No box will ever make that promise to you. This is, however, my career. This is how I support my family. The products I use cost money, the space I rent costs money, the babysitters I use cost money, additional training- money... my time? That is, of course, priceless. 
I'd love to think that when my clients visit me in the salon, that it's because of my charm and stellar personality. Realistically, you are visiting me or any salon because of our experience. A friend of a friend of a friend on Facebook had their hair done and you thought it was cute. Or sometimes, it's because there's this awesome promo, but more often, people visit a salon with the confidence that they will leave feeling good about themselves. That they will have the cut or color they want, and that their hair will be in a healthy condition. 

Do I think this is going to stop everyone from heading out to Target for their next impulse switch? Ha, hardly. I do hope that it will help people think that we are more than just inflated prices on something that you can do yourself in the privacy of your own Gossip Girl marathon. 
Lastly, I urge you to look into a private, local salon rather than your large franchises. These stylists work on THEIR reputation, not the reputation of the corporation. Your true artists do not want to be constrained by policies and percentages, but instead want to use their talents to make YOU their best walking billboard. 
In my next post, I will attempt to break down the time and money you can expect to spend on finding your signature look with both cuts and color and give helpful hints on things you CAN try at home vs things that should NEVER be done!
So much love! 

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