Friday, October 25, 2013

Don't Lose Yourself Just To Get The Job!

By The Vintage Doll
Sometimes in the modeling industry it can feel like your never going to get a job, or get a photo published in a magazine. It can feel like no matter what you do or how many photos you take or people you talk to, you are never going to make that transition from "wanting to be a model" to "I'm a model". Most models start out with goals and guide lines of what they will and will never do. What are acceptable jobs and photo shoots, and lines they won't cross due to personal beliefs, and a models own comfort zone. But after so many turn downs and getting passed up because you may not be comfortable with doing something you start to let go of how you personally feel about it and take the mindset of "If it means I will get the job I will do it" That's where you start losing yourself and start falling in line with so many other girls who forget who they are and what they want just to "get a job".
I have been offered a few different jobs that I have turned down due to them not fitting who I am as a person and also not being things I want my name tied to in representing. You have to remember that every job you take you also take on what the job or company stands for. They are using your face to represent something and in turn you are saying you agree or like whatever that is. You always need to consider that in taking a job. It may be just a job at first but how will it make you look in the long run and how will it not only effect your modeling career with other clients but also how you feel about yourself.
As a mother of two small boys, and I know a lot of models now a days have children as well, it's always the first thing I think of before I take a job or do a photo shoot. How will my children feel about this when they see it? It's not just about me in this situation because I always have to factor them in as well. I never want my boys to be ashamed of their mother, I want them to be proud of me and some day when I'm much older look back and see that their mom was a pretty lady that helped other ladies feel beautiful too.

Always remember, there are lots of jobs and opportunities out there and no amount of money is worth losing your whole career over or even worse yourself because you got impatient or you felt like that was all you would ever get so you just took any job to feel like you were making progress. You will get there. Sometimes it just takes a little longer. Rocks have to be under a whole lot of pressure before they fully turn into a diamond. Remember you are good enough and you are strong in your inner and outer beauty and you will have your shining moment. Just be patient.
Until next time stay as beautiful inside as you are outside.
The Vintage Doll
Mimi LaRue


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