Monday, October 28, 2013

TFP/TFCD do you know what it is?

By Mistie McDonald

What is TFP/TFCD?
(Time for print/c.d.)
Do you know?
If you are new to the industry these term's are probably Greek to you.
But they are very important term's to know.
Here is the definition of TFP/TFCD

Test Shooting/TFP/TFCD - An agreement between the model and photographer to whereby they work for each other on a mutually beneficial basis. No fees other than sharing film-and-developing expenses are involved. They work together on a new idea or on their portfolios. The photographer provides a selection of prints/images from the shoot in recognition of the model's time commitment.

You may be thinking 

But here's the deal, when you are 1st coming into the industry you have no name,no experience, & no portfolio.
So you have to do something to build that name,experience & portfolio right?
TPF/TFCD is the way to do this.

So now there are some rules when looking to shoot TFP/TFCD.
You shouldn't just take any job/shoot.
You need to think,
 "Does this benefit my portfolio and my career?"
"Is this something that goes against what I personally believe and my own moral's?"
"Is the photographer's work of quality?"

If yes to these answers then by all means shoot.
In the beginning ALL and I do mean ALL models make the mistake with shooting with just anyone.
Its an honest mistake just like photographers not charging for their work after a certain time of shooting.
Its just a learning curve.
Remember when it comes to modeling or anything quality vs quantity is preferred.
Just as you shouldn't take just any  job you shouldn't put ALL your photos from a shoot in your portfolio.
Honestly no more than 3 from each shoot should be showcased and really just the best shoot from the session. 
I know its hard to choose, but people have short attention span's and will not look at ALL of your images. Which is why even in your physical book it should be no more than 20 of your very top shots.
There are a lot of photographers who are willing to help you build your portfolio.
Don't be afraid to ask for TFP/TFCD.
If worked right it can be beneficial for both the photographer, model & other team member's of the collaborative team.
So don't shy away from TFP/TFCD.
But also don't always expect to get it either. You will have to pay for the images you want to eventually get. Basically its a tool.. Its a tool to help you build your career. To help you get better job's.
To help you practice & to help you learn your craft.
I hope you enjoyed this information.
Please feel free to ask any questions you have either through comments or on our face book fanpage!

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