Sunday, October 20, 2013

How to Choose The Right Photographer

By Steve Lamb

Here are some things to be aware of when you are on that search for the right photographer for you. 1. Research. For a first photo shoot be sure to check references! If you don't feel right calling a reference then ask for an email, but get the whole story. Make sure that you aren't the first model that will be working this person. And also make sure the photographer will allow you to bring someone with you to the shoot. If they have a problem with this then it is probably a good idea to find someone else to work with. Safety is not negotiable. There are a lot of frauds out there; guys who will claim to be a photographer only to get a woman in a room alone and vulnerable. Please be safe. A meeting in a non-threatening public place before the shoot is necessary. If you get a bad feeling from this person then you will still have time to cancel the shoot and not be put on the spot. Trust your instincts.
2. Posing. It is a good idea to come to the shoot with your own style and favorite poses because some photographers will assist the model with posing, while some won't say a word and leave it completely up to you to create the poses. It is a good idea to communicate with the photographer before the shoot to get an idea of what they are looking for. Ask for help being positioned if you need to. A good photographer who really cares about the outcome of the images should have no problem assisting. You can use their ideas with your own. There will be more detailed guides on posing in another lesson.
3. Lighting and angles. Everyone is different; some photographers will make more creative and dramatic uses of lighting or camera angles in a set, studio, or location, while some prefer to work with only outdoor or natural lighting. If you like key elements of one photographer then speak with them and see if they can incorporate other elements you like into the shoot. If you have an idea regarding the images don't be afraid to voice your opinion. Show examples of pictures that have caught your eye for one reason or another and explain what you like about them. Always check out a potential photographer's portfolio so you will better understand the type of images they normally create and choose the one with images similar to those that interest you.
4. Compensation. Another thing to realize is that some photographers only accept paid shoots; while others are willing to do a "tfp" shoot - meaning trade for portfolio or print. This is done when a photographer or model wants to create or update their portfolio. Sometimes a photographer has been commissioned to do a single shot, or series or shots for a buyer. If you have a good deal of confidence, then you could possibly be on your way to your first paid shoot.
5. Contracts. Most photographers will have you sign a release form. This type of contract differs from photographer to photographer and should be read through very carefully. For the most part this contract acts like a reference; it gives the photographer permission from the model to use the pictures they have created together in his or her portfolio. Most photographers will have no problem sharing the copyright with the model, after all both parties are involved in the creative process and the final outcome of the images. Hope this helps….GOOD LUCK Ladies!! Blah, Blah, Blah Steve Lamb

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