Thursday, November 7, 2013

Don't Let Others Opinions Steal Your Beauty

By The Vintage Doll Mimi LaRue

The moment we decide to become models is also the moment we decide to allow others to have opinions and views on our image. Does becoming a model mean we become bullet proof to these opinions? NO WAY! It still hurts us just as much to have someone talk negative about how we look as anyone else. Yes we are the ones who decide to put ourselves in the public eye but that doesn't mean others should have the right to tear is apart in every way and point out what they like and dislike about how we look or how our bodies are. Unfortunately in today's world more and more negative souls seem to shine out among the positive and really can tear a model down if she lets them.
It's never going to matter how pretty you are, how perfect your hair and make up is, how amazing your wardrobe is, or how great of shape your body is, there is always, ALWAYS, going to be a client or person out there that is going to think you need to change something or have something mean and negative to say about you. I read horrible comments directed at me daily, "your to skinny to be a pinup" "eat a cheeseburger" "she needs to put on some weight" blah blah blah, change change change!!! Some times it gets a little over whelming. Yet in the midst of those are many others including lots of women who say I am helping them find their own beauty through the work that I do and it makes it all worth it.
Everyone in the world if put on display for others to judge would get a mix of positive and negative comments about their image, it's not just models. You can't allow someone's warped view of beauty twisted by their own deep seeded pain and self esteem issues steal the beauty that you carry yourself. It's hard to ignore yes but you have to keep in mind that these people don't hold any real weight in your lives and offer you nothing. They are just speaking empty words that in no way really say who you are but show that they are extremely unhappy and live in a world of self judgment and sadness so they lash out at models and other women that carry and exude the beauty and confidence they so much wish they had.
Never ever lose sight of your dreams and what you want to do in this industry over a negative comment a self conscious beauty stealing personality spoke out to try and take away from you what they want for themselves but can't bring themselves to go after. It will never be worth it.
No one is perfect, and there will be many people out there who will tell you that as a model, but the ones that truly take the time to look at you, not the image or photo you portray but really look at who you are will see how beautiful you are and that's what I want over superficial beauty any day.
Keep your chins up and don't let weightless people in this world steal your beauty, joy or dreams. You deserve to have them all and they don't deserve the satisfaction of knowing they took it from you. The best way to get back at those so called "haters" is to not lash out and stoop to their level but to rise so big above them that they can't see you through the rainbows and clouds that you have reached in your own hard work. Let reaching your goals do the talking because in the end it will always say the perfect come back to every negative thing any one has to say. Until next time, remember your beauty shines from within and if you keep it sparkling then no one can dull your shine! Xoxo The Vintage Doll

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