Saturday, November 16, 2013

Have a Plan B

By Mistie McDonald

So do you have a plan B?
Have you put all your apples in the modeling basket because you just KNOW your the new it girl/boy?
Well let me tell you that you are living in a delusion.
I know this post is going to be brutally honest. But its something that needs to be said.

Remember kiddies that your looks will fade. You will age.. and you will become to old to model.
Yes there is a 40 plus division of modeling but its a real small market.
So don't put all your apples into the modeling basket.

Fact of the matter is.. modeling careers are extremely short.
I'm gonna say a good 95% of you will never make decent money at it.
Most of you wont treat it like a business and a lot of you will fall off within our 1st 3 yrs of shooting.
Yep that is some crappy reality isn't it?

The modeling industry is not glamorous. I know it seems to be, but its really not.
Its very hateful honestly & rather abusive.
So have a plan B.
Make sure you have a career, something to fall back on.
Because there are only a few that really make it big. Even most agency model's have short career's.
They also don't always make the big bucks.
But even then their career's are short as well.
If you're over 25 in this industry your old.
That's the sad fact.
So be smart.
Have a plan B.
So that you aren't put into a desperate situation.
Be smart about it. Treat it as a business,
but also be smart and know its more than likely only going to be a very serious hobby.
This link goes to a FANTASTIC article from  Micheline Pitt.
It deal's with the pin-up world but this advice and reality really applies to all of modeling..

Enjoy and good luck my lovelies!

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