Friday, November 15, 2013

Suck it up and keep your mouth shut!

The Vintage Doll

Sometimes in the modeling industry, (more times then less really) unfair things happen. People play favorites, girls will steal jobs and ideas from you, people cheat at contests, it's just like anything else in this world and a lot of times it's a dishonest and frustrating job.

I can't tell you how many times I lost out on something because someone played dirty and cheated or professional brands played favorites. It's never fun to fall victim to these things but it happens. What also happens is a lot of models let their anger and frustration get the best of them and they let loose venting about the situation all over things like their facebooks or twitter. This is one of the most immature and unprofessional things you can do, even if you were treated unfairly and right. I have seen so many models mad because they lost at something so they complain about how unfair it was and how they deserved it more then the other girl, or how the magazine or company just didn't like them blah blah blah. You know what that says about you..?? 
Venting all over facebook and being disrespectful towards other models or magazines shows you in a poor light and will only assist you in losing jobs, not help you prove that you were mistreated. No one wants to work with someone that cries to the whole world when they don't get their way, would you? I know at times it's hard not to when your confidence has been gutted by unfair and dishonest actions, but in the long run I promise biting your tongue is truly the best thing here.

It's hard sometimes to keep your mouth shut when you worked so hard for something and then in the end it doesn't work out and feels like your hard work was for nothing and ignored. It's a confidence blow and hard to swallow, but crying about it all over social media will only continue you losing out and missing out on bigger and better opportunities because no one will want to work with someone who is a sore loser and unprofessional at that.
Keep it to yourself, or go call your best friend. Facebook isn't your friend and posting rants on things like your modeling page will later treat you like a drunk text to an ex boyfriend...... 
You will regret it big time!!!!!

I have seen several models voice their disappointment In their losing covers of magazines or contests in very distasteful ways and I have also see those exact models fall off the modeling planet. Even if you were wronged, blasting all over social media about it isn't a classy thing to do. All you can do is learn from it and move to the next opportunity. Don't let it get you down! There is so much more out there you just have to keep working and keep pushing forward. It will come full circle and those who work unfairly and cheat will eventually lose the air in their sails and fall flat because being dishonest will never get you anywhere for long.

Always stay positive and you even the negative moments in your modeling careers as fuel to do bigger and better things.
Xoxo The Vintage Doll

1 comment:

  1. That's great advice! I wanting to break into the biz and its been tough but I'm optimistic! You inspired me to do pin up modeling actually and the link you posted on how to be a pin up model was very helpful! Thank you! ;)
